The U.S. Latino population continues to redefine the traditional American workforce and economy, driving growth during an era marked by labor shortages and economic uncertainty. In 2022, 725,000 working-age Latinos entered the labor force, offsetting the loss of...
Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones, share stories, deepen connections, and savor a spread of homemade dishes. While American families celebrate with their own cherished customs, many Latino and Hispanic immigrant families have embraced Thanksgiving,...
The U.S. Hispanic community, with over $3.4 trillion in purchasing power, represents a significant yet complex market. Their media consumption habits are dynamic, making a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy ineffective. Engaging with Hispanics goes beyond simply...
As the U.S. Hispanic population continues to grow, brands can no longer afford to treat Hispanic marketing as an afterthought. With over 20% of the U.S. population identifying as Hispanic and $3.4 trillion in purchasing power, understanding this demographic is...
In recent years, debates surrounding Hispanic identity have intensified, especially with the rise of alternative terms like Latinx and Latine aimed at making language more inclusive. These terms are seen as ways to offer gender-neutral alternatives to the...