Where are the consumers?

Where are the consumers?

January is long gone as the resolutions lay like the rumpled clothes atop the stationary bike…We are back into our routine.  Potentially derailing the tremendous accomplishments of 2017, after all insanity is doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting...
Acculturation & Segmentation

Acculturation & Segmentation

If today, you moved and relocated to Italy, it would take you approximately 10 years to become acculturated as an Italian.  Acculturation is the process in which an immigrant adjusts, or acculturates to the local culture, language, customs, traditions, etc.  Becoming...

I Love my Mami

By Veronica Cool Most of us parents have figured out that when it comes to raising kids, there is (unfortunately) no instruction manual. With society perpetually barreling further into modernity, it can be easy to lose sight of what really counts- love. When I was...