Solutions- Humanitarian Solutions

In my mind, the glory of the sunny beaches, turquoise water, swaying palm trees is rarely tarnished by debris, 160 MPH gales, floods and utter devastation.  Unfortunately, that’s Puerto Rico TODAY, post Irma, Jose and Maria… Experiencing a humanitarian crisis further...

Exponential Growth & Humanity

The only thing that is constant is change.  But the PACE of change we are living thru is completely unfathomable.  After spending several days in San Francisco, Singularity University Global Summit, amidst the greatest minds of our time, including Peter Diamandis...

HABLEMOS con Jorge Restrepo

He tenido el placer de trabajar con algunos empresarios sobresalientes que han establecido empresas muy exitosas y únicas, y hoy presentamos a Jorge Restrepo, CEO y Analista Principal de EurekaFacts, una firma que realiza estudios de mercado, recopilación de datos y...

Women & Power

It is only in modern times that women’s power has been questioned.  Throughout history, women have wielded such force as to generate dynasties; not only influencing history but creating it.   From Mary Magdalene, Cleopatra, Lady Gaga, Justice Sotomayor and the...

Celebrating Immigrants

Since June of 2014, Immigrant Heritage Month has provided a forum for Americans across the land to explore their own heritage and history; to celebrate the differences and cultural richness that creates the fabric of America. “I Am an Immigrant,” a nationwide effort...