As we celebrate this season of gratitude and giving, here at Cool, we have been taking time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for. Our Latino community has faced many challenges, and yet, these obstacles have drawn us closer, encouraging us to cherish our time together and lean on each other in moments of need. 

The Power of Gratitude

The concept of “practicing gratitude” goes beyond simply saying “thank you” when someone does something kind (though that’s always appreciated!). Instead, it involves intentionally creating a habit of pausing to recognize the things we might take for granted as we navigate our busy lives. In recent years, the practice of gratitude has gained popularity—from gratitude journals to apps, there are many ways to incorporate this simple act into our routines. While these tools can be helpful, practicing gratitude truly only requires a few minutes of reflection each day. 

the power of gratitude

But why take the time? Well, the benefits are extensive. According to Harvard Medical School, a gratitude practice is strongly linked to increased happiness, helping people focus on positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, handle adversity, and build strong relationships. Psychology Today also highlights benefits like improved sleep and self-esteem. 

This practice can be especially impactful if you’re facing a difficult period. While shifting your mindset toward gratitude might feel challenging, research by The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that even a weekly gratitude practice can benefit not only those in good mental health but also those who struggle. Further studies, such as one published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, show that gratitude as a personal resource is correlated with improved mental health and life satisfaction among Latino adolescents. 

The Greater Good Science Center’s research also found that the benefits of gratitude tend to accumulate, creating a lasting positive impact. Using fMRI scans, researchers observed that participants who practiced gratitude showed signs that their brains were effectively “training” to maintain these positive effects over time—a notable finding, as many other mental health practices show diminishing effects over time. 

Giving Thanks in Latino Cultures 

While gratitude has been shown to boost well-being across the board, it’s important to recognize that expressions of gratitude can vary significantly across cultures. As studies of gratitude evolve, researchers have begun exploring gratitude practices by categorizing cultures into autonomous/heteronomous and separateness/relatedness frameworks. 

Many Latino cultures align with the heteronomous-related category, where gratitude can manifest differently from mainstream American practices. In more collectivist cultures, expressions of thanks may carry mixed emotions, such as feelings of indebtedness, and can sometimes be uncomfortable as they bring additional attention to the individual. Additionally, in collectivist communities, giving and receiving help is often a part of daily life, so openly expressing gratitude may feel out of place. 

This doesn’t mean that Latinos aren’t grateful or don’t appreciate thanks. In fact, Latino cultures highly value manners and respect, and not expressing gratitude could be considered quite rude. However, keep in mind that Latinos may not always feel comfortable with public acknowledgment, especially in the workplace. 

It’s essential to show appreciation for your employees and coworkers. Harvard Medical School reports that managers who regularly thank their employees find that these employees feel more motivated. But, when expressing gratitude, it’s important to be culturally mindful. Avoid putting Latino employees in the spotlight in large groups; instead, consider celebrating accomplishments in a more private or personalized way, like a certificate or a small, informal gathering.

Develop Your Gratitude Muscle 

As we embrace this special time of year, we encourage you to start or expand your gratitude practice. Write a thank-you note just because, start a gratitude journal, or simply take a moment each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. 

Remember, gratitude is a practice. Some days, it may be challenging to focus on what you have rather than what you lack. But with time, your “gratitude muscle” will grow, positively impacting many aspects of your life. 

In honor of this season, we asked some of our community members—what are you grateful for in this moment? 

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