Act is DREAM-catcher for Maryland

Two-thirds of students who leave Maryland for higher education do not return. That’s a worrisome trend, because over the next 20 years, at least six of the 10 fastest-growing fields in Maryland will require college degrees. A recent study by the University of Maryland...

Acculturation and Segmentation

If today, you moved and relocated to Italy, it would take you approximately 10 years to become acculturated as an Italian. Acculturation is the process in which an immigrant adjusts, or acculturates, to the local culture, language, customs, traditions, etc. A Latino...

A Day Without Immigrants

Could we function as a country if immigrants decided to not show up to school or work? Well, it happened Feb. 16. That protest surfaced anonymously and gained momentum across the United States in light of the increasing crackdown on illegal immigration and raids from...